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Solara Exterior 01

Why This Website Was Created

Hello, I'm a  2005 Toyota Camry Solara.  I was minding my own business and providing first-class transportation to My Owner and her significant other until something very bad happened to her at Fred Anderson Toyota, Raleigh (herein referred to as "FA").  During what should have been a routine service visit (that ended up spanning two days, more than $2,700.00 was taken from My Owner for unnecessary repairs.

We believe that multiple FA employees acted together to violate NC State Safety Inspection Program regulations and numerous provisions of the NC Motor Vehicle Repair Act in order to accomplish this taking.

In order to use consistent grammar throughout this website, the use of  "we" and "us" will refer to My Owner, me (her anthropomorphized Red Toyota Solara), her significant other, and a number of friends who have helped us look into what happened to her.   Over the past months, we have spent considerable time and effort to determine WHO (specifically, what person and / or persons at FA) did this, HOW it was done, and perhaps gain some insight into WHY it was done.   During our follow-up inquiries, we sought help from several individuals at various levels of Toyota management.   To date, those individuals have not stepped up to satisfactorily explain WHO targeted her or WHY she was targeted.   In fact, in some cases these individuals went out of their way to obstruct our efforts.

As time went by, we turned to NC regulatory authorities for help.   The various formats they use for submitting information about our concerns did not allow us to fully illustrate our concerns in as clear and compelling a format as we wished.   So.....  we decided to put the information we collect into one place, namely this website.   The site has been designed as a tool to assist a number of regulatory and law enforcement agencies as they investigate what happened to My Owner at FA.   At some point, the information we provide may encourage other NC motorists to become more interested in and more curious about their own experiences with how the NC State Safety Inspection Program is implemented by Fred Anderson Toyota, Raleigh.

Access and Maintenance

The site is directed outward to those visiting the site and collects absolutely no information about those visitors.   The site is designed to be "informational not conversational" i.e. we're providing information to visitors and not asking for any of their information.   Where feasible, we've provided some history in certain categories to provide appropriate context.   The vast majority of information on this site comes directly from Fred Anderson Toyota's own documents.   In some cases, we explain what documents we believe continue to be withheld from us and from the regulators.   In each case where we had a telephone or in-person conversation, we documented those conversations via emails and asked for replies to those emails if corrections or omissions needed to be addressed.

On the public side of this website, we've redacted My Owner's contact information.   After "logging in" the full unredacted documents and emails are viewable.

Navigation Features

We've worked very hard to keep the site well-organized and easy to navigate.   There are just a few content formats that are used throughout the site.   We've attempted to make the site easy to navigate via a carefully organized set of drop-down menus.   Most menu selections take you from one page of content to another, while always keeping the main menu in view.   We later added some easy-to-use features such as rotating slide carousels and voice-over clarifications.

Technical Support, Linking,  and Printing

For those helping us and who have the ability to "log in", My Owner and her friends are available for clarification and / or amplification of any information provided.   For those viewing the site on the public side (i.e. not "logged in") please be aware that the site is NOT monitored 24/7/365 by tech support folks and no technical support is offered or available.

Those using the site to print material provided or when using the site to navigate away from the site are assumed to have intermediate internet skills that will allow them to make use of these features.   So... if you find yourself disoriented, our best advice is some form of 'starting over'.   That may entail: reloading the page, restarting your web browser, or restarting your computer.

So...... browse around, read, listen, and help us if you can.

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